Gossen GL SpectroSoft User Manual
Page 17

GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik GmbH
Serial measurements
GL_SpectroSoft allows to program the serial measurements with defined interval
and measurements count.
1. Continuous button starts/stops continuous and serial measurements.
Continuous measurement (when interval and count is set to 0) triggers the
measurements one after the other and shows spectrum on the same chart. The
function is useful to trace change of spectrum and chromaticity parameters of a light
Serial measurements are also triggered by continuous button but when interval or
count is set to a value other than 0. In this case results are shown in separate
2. Interval - interval between measurements in seconds. Measurements are triggered
one after the other when interval is set to 0.
3. Count - number of measurements to do. When set to 0, measurements loop can be
stopped by continuous button. During serial measurements Count filed shows the
current number of measurements to do.
The program allows also to set the start time of series measurements with interval
and measurements count.
It can be set from Action->Set continuous start menu:
1. Start/stop serial
2. Interval between
3. Measurements