Metrohm 787 KF Titrino User Manual

Page 24

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2.5. Configuration, key

787 KF Titrino


filling rate max. ml/min


Filling rate after the titration (0.01...150 mL/min, max.)

sets "max.".

The maximum rate depends on the Exchange unit:

Exchange unit


5 mL

15 mL/min

10 mL

30 mL/min

20 mL

60 mL/min

50 mL

150 mL/min

>RS232 settings

baud rate: 9600

data bit: 8

stop bit: 1

parity: none

handshake: HWs

RS control: ON

Settings of RS232 interface

see also page 68.

Baud rate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)

Data bit (7, 8)

Stop bit (1, 2)

Parity (even, odd, none)

Handshake (HWs, HWf, SWline, SWchar, none)

see page 68.

Control via RS232 interface (ON, OFF)

"OFF" means that the receipt of commands via the

RS232 interface is blocked. Data output is possible.

>peripheral units

send to: IBM

balance: Sartorius

record: V vs. t

Settings for peripheral units

Selection of printer (Epson, Seiko, IBM) at the Titrino

RS232 interface.

"Epson", for Epson Mode, e.g. Epson LX 300+,

Citizen iDP 562 RS, Custom DP40-S4N

"Seiko", e.g. for DPU-414

"IBM", e.g. for HP DeskJet types, for all printers with

IBM character set Table 437 and IBM graphics, as well

as for the data transmission to a computer with

Metrodata software VESUV.

Selection of balance (Sartorius, Mettler, AND, Precisa)

Sartorius: Models MP8, MC1


Models AT, AM, PM, AX, MX, UMX and

balances with 011, 012, or 016 interface


Models ER-60, 120, 180, 182, FR-200, 300

and FX-200, 300, 320


Models with RS232C interface

Selection of the curve for the output at the analog

output (V vs. t, dV/dt vs. t, U vs. t, -U vs. t)

V vs. t: Volume vs. time curve

dV/dt vs. t: Drift vs. time curve

U vs. t: Control deviation (current value – EP) vs.

time curve