Metrohm 760 Sample Changer User Manual
Page 30
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4.2 Method Listings
760 Sample Changer, Appendix
Methode 3
760 Sample Changer 760.0012
method 760_3
number of samples: rack
>start sequence
2 SAMPLE: - 1
3 SAMPLE: + 1
>sample sequence
2 MOVE 1 : sample
3 LIFT: 1 : work mm
4 STIR: * : ON s
5 CTL:Rm: START dos*
6 WAIT 10 s
7 CTL:Rm: START device1
8 SCN:Rm : End1
9 STIR: * : OFF s
10 LIFT: 1 : shift mm
11 WAIT 3 s
12 SHIFTRATE: - 20
13 MOVE 1 : spec.1
14 LIFT: 1 : work mm
15 CTL:Rm: ****1*********
16 CTL:Rm: ****0*********
17 SCN:Rm : ******1*
18 LIFT: 1 : shift mm
19 WAIT 3 s
>final sequence
1 MOVE 1 : spec.1
2 LIFT: 1 : work mm
>changer settings
rack number 0
lift rate 25 mm/s
shift rate 20
shift direction: auto.
Beaker test mode: single
on beaker error: MOVE
>stirring rates
stirrer 1 3
stirrer 2 3
>dosing unit def.
>manual stop
CTL Rmt: STOP device1
CTL RS232:
report header with program version
¬ method name
¬ number of samples (here full rack)
¬ initialize remote line
¬ initialize
sample position
¬ shift direction to increasing numbers
¬ move next sample beaker to tower
¬ run lift with titration head to working position
¬ switch on stirrer
¬ start dosing device
¬ wait for 10 seconds
¬ start titrator
¬ wait for end of titration [EOD]
¬ switch off stirrer
¬ run lift with titration head to shift position
¬ wait for 3 seconds
¬ shift direction to decreasing numbers
¬ move special beaker to tower
¬ run lift to work position to immerse sensor
¬ switch on external pump
¬ reset remote line
¬ wait for ready signal of pump
¬ run lift to shift position
¬ wait for 3 seconds
¬ move special beaker to tower for conditioning
¬ run lift to work position to immerse sensor
------ settings of sampler functions --------------------
¬ on missing sample beaker, the next one is
selected automatically
------ stirring rates -----------------------------------------
¬ cannot be selected independently
------ settings for dosing devices ------------------------
------ action after manual stop -------------------------
¬ stop device 1