2 method listings – Metrohm 760 Sample Changer User Manual
Page 28

4.2 Method Listings
760 Sample Changer, Appendix
4.2 Method Listings
All four methods of the 760 Sample Changer are briefly described in chapter 3.5 on
pages 20 to 22. The present chapter contains the exact program listings of these meth-
ods together with more detailed explanations.
Method 1
760 Sample Changer 760.0012
method 760_1
number of samples: rack
>start sequence
2 SAMPLE: - 1
3 SAMPLE: + 1
>sample sequence
1 MOVE 1 : sample
2 LIFT: 1 : work mm
3 STIR: * : ON s
4 CTL:Rm: START dos*
5 WAIT 10 s
6 CTL:Rm: START device1
7 SCN:Rm : End1
8 STIR: * : OFF s
9 LIFT: 1 : shift mm
10 WAIT 3 s
>final sequence
1 MOVE 1 : spec.1
2 LIFT: 1 : work mm
>changer settings
rack number 0
lift rate 25 mm/s
shift rate 20
shift direction: auto.
beaker test mode: single
on beaker error: MOVE
>stirring rates
stirrer 1 3
stirrer 2 3
>dosing unit def.
>manual stop
CTL Rmt: STOP device1
CTL RS232:
¬ report header with program version
¬ method name
¬ number of samples (here full rack)
¬ initialize remote line
¬ initialize
sample position
¬ move next sample beaker to tower
¬ run lift with titration head to working position
¬ switch on stirrer
¬ start dosing device
¬ wait for 10 seconds
¬ start titrator
¬ wait for end of titration [EOD]
¬ switch off stirrer
¬ run lift with titration head to shift position
¬ wait for 3 seconds
¬ move special beaker to tower for conditioning
¬ run lift to work position to immerse sensor
------ settings of sampler functions --------------------
¬ on missing sample beaker, the next one is
selected automatically
------ stirring rates -----------------------------------------
¬ cannot be selected independently
------ settings for dosing devices ------------------------
------ action after manual stop -------------------------
¬ stop device 1