Dulce Systems PRO RXqp User Manual
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PRO RXqp Installation and User’s Manual
• Welcome screen of RA ID C onsole after successful login:
5.1.3. Built-in Ethernet
If the PRO RX’s Ethernet port is connected to the network, and you know the IP
address of the PRO RXqp, you can use any computer on the network via any
web browser to connect to the RAID Console and manage the PRO RXqp.
You can discover the PRO RXqp IP address by using the local computer that is
connected to the PRO RXqp, launch the appropriate RAID Console. The
Ethernet C onfiguration page is at System C ontrols > EtherNet Config.
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PRO RXqp Installation and User’s Manual
Change RAID Mode – Deleting / Creating
This procedure will erase all data on the PRO RXqp.
Changing the RAID mode requires the current RAID Set to be deleted
first, and then create a new RAID Set with the new RAID mode.
5.2.1. Delete the RAID Set
From the RAID C onsole GUI. On the left side menu bar click on
• RaidSet Functions > Delete Raid Set
• Select the Raid Set and check the C onfirm box
• C lick Submit to delete the RA ID Set