Calculated Industries 5060 User Manual

Page 4

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2 — ElectriCalc Pro

The ElectriCalc Pro instantly solves for
the following:

♦ Volts, Amps, Volt-Amps, Watts,

kVA, kW, PF%, EFF%, and DC

♦ Copper or Aluminum Wire Sizes
♦ Parallel and Derated Wire Sizes
♦ Voltage Drop Wire Sizes, % and

Actual Voltage Drops, Voltage
Drop Distances and Wire Resis-

♦ Kilowatt hours and BTU’s

♦ Parallel Resistance

♦ Grounding Conductors Sizes
♦ Motor Full-Load Amps
♦ Overload Protection Sizes
♦ NEMA Starter Sizes
♦ Conduit Sizes
♦ And much more!