Calculated Industries 9226 User Manual

Page 16

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[35mm] — 35mm Film key

Used for two functions: (1) to enter
or calculate 35mm film; (2) when
used with the [Conv] key, converts a
real time, time code, or decimal
frame value to 35mm film. (Stan-
dard = 16 frames/foot.)

[CusFilm] — Custom fps

Used for two functions: (1) to enter
a custom feet-frames; (2) when used
with the [Conv] key, converts a real
time, time code, film footage or
frame value to the Custom Film set-
ting. (Standard = 24 frames/foot.)

[fps] — Film Frames Per Second

Sets the film speed for 16mm,
35mm and Custom film keys. The
default value is 24 fps (the world-
wide standard for theatrical film).
Time code is not affected by this fps
value. This fps value is “clock-time”
accurate (meaning that 24 fps equals
24 frames per clock second).

16 – Frame Master
