Autocue WinCue Pro News User Manual
Page 19

Under the “User Interface” tab, typical selections may be as follows:
“Open The Queue Browser”, under “Startup options”. That brings up the browser window
(where you see the servers you configured) on program startup.
“Automatically open the Queue Browser once the last Queue is closed”, under “Queue
Options”. That re-opens the browser when you close a queue you’re prompting.
“Restore Main Window Position” under “Main Window”. Not sure but it makes me feel warm
and fuzzy.
Under the “Windows” tab one typically may select the following:
“Maximise View Window”, which I believe forces the Application to open Maximised.
“Splitter View”, which gives a window on the text being prompted on the VGA status display.
The rest were left at defaults. Under “Prompt Tracking” the following were selected:
“Auto Follow On Prompt Item”
“Keep On Prompt Item Visible In List”, which forces the VGA status display to scroll down
with the prompter output.
Don’t select “Auto Jump to Editor on Speed Zero”, which is really only useful if you’re
prompting in a non-AvidNews environment and I figure could panic a prompter operator.
And, when all is done, click on the big OK, exit the Application and launch it again. Many WinCue
settings require a restart of the Application to take effect.