Autocue WinCue Pro News User Manual
Page 18

Additional WinCue Settings & Preferences
The WinCue Configuration dialog box has several other settings besides the News Interface.
Under” Prompt Engine you’ll find two choices, “Hardware Settings” and “Scroll Controls”. “Hardware
Settings” gives you some control over basic display settings. It’s pretty self explanatory.
“Scroll Controls” lets you pick what controller to use, generally the “Hybrid Serial/IMT Multibutton
Controller. There’s a “Setup” button, which lets you, well, setup your desired controller.
One important option in there, particularly for people used to the old Serial Prompter controller, is the
“Centre Stop Mode” check box. If that’s not selected, the controller only works in one direction at a
time. If it’s selected, the controller stops in the middle, rolls ahead when you roll the pot forward and
rolls back if you roll the pot backward. You can also configure what the buttons do as well as other
things. Explore, play, and learn.
There are some important settings under “User Preferences”: