Autocue WinCue Pro News User Manual
Page 11

Be sure that both “Use New FTP Interface” and “Use Fast Mode” are checked in. You will be unable
to browse the AvStar directory tree if Use Fast Mode is not checked.
AutoSelect Dir. - If you know that this server is only ever going to prompt a queue called rundown
you can set that to .rundown (that’s
to see queues that are called rundown.
Direct to Queue - If this is box is ticked the AutoSelect Dir path will be greyed out and wincue will
use the path specified when opening this server
“Background Download” lets the system start prompting before having downloaded the whole show.
NOTE: Some AvStar customers who’ve experimented with this think that it made the WinCue less
stable and they opted to not use this option.
After setting up the show in this General Settings tab, click the Host Configuration tab to setup the
connection to the AvStar server.
This is where you can show WinCue which server to login to. You can also set up a secondary
server WinCue should login to if the first server is down or not responding.
NOTE: The names given here must be listed in the local hosts table of the WinCue PC so that the
names (bubb_a or bubb_b) can be looked up and referenced to an IP address.