Rockwell Automation 1769-L16ER-BB1B_L18ER-BB1B_L18ERM-BB1B CompactLogix 5370 L1 Controllers System Quick Start User Manual

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Rockwell Automation Publication IASIMP-QS024B-EN-P - December 2012


Prepare the Computer and Load Controller Firmware Chapter 2

3. From the Available Driver Types

menu, choose EtherNet/IP Driver
or Ethernet devices and click
Add New.

We recommend that you use
EtherNet/IP Driver.

The Add New RSLinx Driver
dialog box appears.

4. Click OK to keep the default


A Configure driver:AB_ETHxxx dialog box appears. The full name of the dialog box varies
by what driver type was chosen in

step 3


This example uses the EtherNet/IP Driver; the driver name is AB_ETHIP-1.

5. Select an Ethernet card and

click OK.

This new driver is available.