Companion slot, Smartslot, Cold start – Rockwell Automation T8433 Trusted TMR Isolated 4-20 mA Analogue Input Module - 20 Channel User Manual

Page 30: Trusted, Module t8433

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Module T8433

Issue 11 Apr 10



5.4. Companion Slot

For a Companion Slot configuration, two adjacent slots in a Trusted


Chassis are configured for the

same input module function. One slot is the primary slot and the other a unique secondary (or spare)
slot. The two slots are joined at the rear of the Trusted


Chassis with a double-wide I/O Interface

Cable that connects both slots to common field wiring terminations. During normal operations, the
primary slot contains the active module as indicated by the Active indicator on the front panel of the
module. The secondary slot is available for a spare module that will normally be the standby module
as indicated by the Standby indicator on the front panel of the module.

Depending on the installation, a hot-spare module may already be installed, or a module blank will be
installed in the standby slot. If a hot-spare module is already installed, transfer to the standby module
occurs automatically when a module fault is detected in the active module. If a hot spare is not
installed, the system continues operating from the active module until a spare module is installed.

5.5. SmartSlot

For a SmartSlot configuration, the secondary slot is not unique to each primary slot. Instead, a single
secondary slot is shared among many primary slots. This technique provides the highest density of
modules to be fitted in a given physical space. At the rear of the Trusted


Chassis, a single-wide I/O

Cable connects the secondary slot directly to the I/O Cable connected to the failed primary module.
With a spare module installed in the SmartSlot and the SmartSlot I/O Cable connected to the failed
primary module, the SmartSlot can be used to replace the failed primary module.

Input module Smart Slot jumper cable TC-306-02

Smart Slot between chassis can be performed if the chassis are version 2 (or higher). These have the
connector fitted to enable connection of a TC-006 that ensures the 0 Volt of each chassis is at the
same potential.

5.6. Cold Start

If an I/O module has shut down (due, for example, to two existing faults), the three Healthy LEDs will
be red, the Active and Standby LEDs will be flashing red and the Educated LED will be flashing amber.
The I/O functions provided by this module will have been lost if a hot swap partner has not taken over
control. The module can only be restarted by removing it from its slot and re-inserting it.

If an I/O module is inserted into a functional system slot which previously had no active module (e.g.
removing and reinserting as above), then the processor will educate the module once it has booted.
Once educated, the Educated LED will be steady green and the Active LED will be red flashing.

Input modules will now be reading and reporting their inputs. Output modules have not yet energised
their outputs. To activate outputs and to set the module’s Active LED and the processor’s System
Healthy LED steady green, press the processor Reset pushbutton.