Rockwell Automation SA3000 High Power Modules User Manual
Page 70
High Power SA3000 AC Power Modules
Main disconnect, 2-2
Mechanical description, 2-1 to 2-5
1457A power module components, 2-5
534A power module components, 2-3
972A power module components, 2-4
Mechanical/electrical description, 2-1 to 2-11
Mounting dimensions
1335A triple-bay power module, 3-6
534A single-bay power module, 3-4
972A double-bay power module, 3-5
Optional features, 1-2
Output meters, 2-2
Part numbers, 1-3
Phase modules
description, 2-1
mounting bolt locations, 4-17
Power and ground connections, 3-7
Power supply
115VAC control power, 2-2, 4-13
25 KHz, 2-2, 4-14
Pre-charge assembly, 2-2
Related publications, 1-4
Replacement parts, C-1 to C-6
1457A power module, C-5 to C-6
534A power module, C-1 to C-2
972A power module, C-3 to C-4
Replacing components, 4-8 to 4-20
blower assembly, 4-18 to 4-19
blower filter, 4-19
bus capacitor assembly, 4-19 to 4-20
fuses, 4-8 to 4-14
IGBT phase module assemblies, 4-15 to 4-17
pre-charge assembly, 4-17 to 4-18
Replacing the power module cabinet, 4-20
Snubber/gate driver module, 2-1
Standard features, 1-1
Technical specifications, A-1 to A-3
115VAc control power, A-2
ambient conditions, A-1
DC bus, A-2
DC bus input power, A-2
dimensions, A-1
output power, A-3
Terminal tightening torques, 3-3
Warning register 203 /1203, 4-7
Warnings, 4-7 to 4-8
DC bus overvoltage, 4-7
DC bus undervoltage, 4-7
ground current warning, 4-7
load sharing warning, 4-7
overtemperature, 4-8
Wiring, 3-2 to 3-3, 3-7
see also Installation guidelines
wire routing, 3-3
wire sizes, 3-2 to 3-3