Operating instructions english – Rockwell Automation 440R Lichtgittermodul MSR22LM mit umschaltbaren Funktionen Light curtain controller User Manual

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Operating instructions


Light curtain controller MSR22LM
with selectable operating modes


The MSR22LM interrupts a safety circuit in a safe way. In applications with
light curtains it can be operated in protection, muting and stepping mode
to protect people and machinery.
When used in accordance with its intended purpose and following these
operating instructions, this device presents no known residual risks.
Nonobservance may lead to personal injuries and damages to property.

Designated use

Practical notes

 Before removing the front plate the person must be discharged to


 The muting lamp must be conform to IEC/EN 61 496-1 section A7.4

 If an input is not used, 2 wire links have to be made according to picture 9

on the terminals S-1/S-2 and S-4/S-3.




 On MSR22LM the NC contact 31-32 must only be used as monitoring contact.

 Not suitable for machines where the area behind the light curtain is
 Settings have to be carried out by educated personnel with disconnected



Terminal designation

Signal designation


+ / L


- / N

S12, S14, S22, S24, S32, S34,
S42, S44, M1, M2


S21, S23, S31, S33, S33, S41, S43


13, 14, 23, 24, 33, 34

Positive driven N/O contacts for
release circuit


Positive driven N/C contacts for
release circuit

48, 58

Semiconductor monitoring output


Free junction terminal, volt free



According to
- Performance Level (PL) e and category 4 to EN ISO 13849-1: 2008
- SIL Claimed Level (SIL CL) 3 to IEC/EN 62061
- Safety Integrity Level (SIL 3) to IEC/EN 61508
- Category 4 to EN 954-1

 To connect max.:
- 3 light curtains 2-channel or
- 2 light curtains 2-channel and 2 muting sensors 1-channel or
- 1 light curtain 2-channel and 4 muting sensors 1-channel or
- 2 light curtains 2-channel and key switch for stepping operation
- Additionally: Start button and machine contact with line fault detection

 Broken wire detection on light curtain input

 Outputs:
- 3 N/O or 2 N/O and 1 N/C
- 2 Semiconductor outputs, protected against short circuit and overload

 Multifunction device, diff erent functions selectable by rotational
- Protective operation e.g. light curtains
- Protective operation with muting, e.g. conveyors
- Signal sequence of muting sensors can be selected
- Override function via start button
- Stepping operation e.g. on presses
- Optionally with key switch
- 1, 2 or 3 steps possible
- Setting of number of step possible via selector switch

 Suitable to connect light curtains of type 4 or selftesting light curtains
type 2 according to IEC/EN 61 496-1, crossfault monitoring in the light

 With under- and overvoltage detection and indication

 Reaction time: max. 30 ms

 LED indication for RUN and Channel 1, 2

Before installing, operating or maintaining this device, these instructions
must be carefully read and understood.



Dangerous voltage.

Electric shock will result in death or serious injury.

Disconnect all power supplies before servicing equipment.

Safe operation of the device is only guaranteed when using certifi ed

Important Notes

The product hereby described was developed to perform safety functions as
a part of a whole installation or machine. A complete safety system normally
includes sensors, evaluation units, signals and logical modules for safe
disconnections. The manufacturer of the installation or machine is
responsible for ensuring proper functioning of the whole system. Rockwell
Automation cannot guarantee all the specifi cations of an installation or
machine that was not designed by Rockwell Automation. The total concept
of the control system into which the device is integrated must be validated
by the user. Rockwell Automation also takes over no liability for
recommendations which are given or implied in the following description.
The following description implies no modifi cation of the general Rockwell
Automation terms of delivery, warranty or liability claims.

Safety Regulations


This device must be installed and operated by staff who are familiar with

these instructions and with the current regulations for safety at work

and accident prevention.


Pay attention to applicable local regulations, especially regarding safety


The shock protection on the connected elements and the cable

insulation must be designed for the highest voltage applied to the


Opening the device or implementing unauthorized changes voids any


The unit should be panel mounted in an enclosure rated at IP 54 or

superior. Dust and dampness may lead to malfunction.


Adequate fuse protection must be provided on all output contacts with

capacitive and inductive loads.


The safety function must be triggered at least once a month.

Printed in Germany, Dwg. No: 23992, EO: 0329, Issue No: 3

All information mentioned in this technical specifi cation is according to this publication.
We reserve the right to technical changes and modifi cations.