Upgrade process, Scope of supply, System layout – Rockwell Automation T80015 Application Note Trusted SC300E Migration Process User Manual
Page 3: Hardware layout, Toolset layout, Trusted
Issue 01 Apr 08
Page 3 of 16
1. Upgrade Process
1.1. Scope of supply
The first step of the Trusted
SC300E migration process is to understand just what is
required by the customer.
Is it a test/demo setup or is it an actual plant upgrade?
Does the client want to replicate the current user interface of the system as closely
as possible so as not to confuse the operators.
It is important to have all the ‘As Operational’ information available, ie the ‘As Built’, but with
any onsite modifications or upgrades taken into account. The application backups supplied
must be representative of the running system to ensure a smooth migration. It is essential
that the system configuration files and application logic in the backups are identical to that
which is running in the system at the time of the upgrade.
Triguard Serial I/O modules (MSR04XI) will be removed as there is no facility to
communicate with SC300E Peer links or other SC300E communications equivalents. These
must be replaced with Trusted
equivalents, namely peer links to other Trusted
and Modbus links to DCS etc.
1.2. System layout
1.2.1. Hardware layout
Where is the Trusted
chassis going to be installed?
Is there room in an existing cabinet for the Trusted
chassis? The Trusted
chassis, power supplies and fan trays will need a space up to 10U high in a cabinet.
Does it need a new cabinet of its own? If so, is there room in the control room for
more cabinets?
The physical layout will determine such things as length of the interface cable, number of fan
trays required, comms cabling etc.
1.2.2. Toolset layout
Use the system folder to define the shape of the system as Trusted
will see it. Create the
SYSTEM.INI file in Trusted
Toolset with any partner slots and module setup.
Care must be taken to choose the correct setup or the configuration will not run. For
example, the MDO32BNS output modules can be configured as 3-2-0 or 3-2-1 using jumpers
on the module, and it is also possible to set the MDO32BNS to ‘hold last value’ or ‘go to zero’
in the event of a trip.
Create the I/O wiring table and board definitions in the toolset. Remember that what was
Triguard Chassis 1 in the original SC300E system will now become Logical Chassis 2 and so
on since the Trusted
chassis is now Chassis 1.