Rockwell Automation 2711E PanelBuilder 1400e Modbus Communications User Manual
Page 26

Defining Communications
Publication 2711E-6.12 – November 1997
Note: A node configuration can be changed at any time during
application development. At application or screen validation, or
download, the nodes used by the tags in the application must be
defined. If you change the node’s device type, the tags that use this
node may have invalid addresses. If you change the node name, you
can automatically update your tags at the same time.
To open the Node Editor:
Open the PLC Communications folder and choose Nodes, or
from the toolbar. The Node Editor opens.
Data Entry Form
The Node Editor has two parts: the data entry form on top where
you define the node, and the spreadsheet viewer on the bottom where
you see all the nodes and select one for editing.
To configure the nodes:
1. Fill in the following information for each node. Use the
information you recorded in the Communications worksheet.
Node Name
Type a name of your choice up to 40 characters long. This name
represents a device on the network. The only valid characters for
a node name are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, – (dash), and _ (underscore). You
cannot use spaces. The name is not case-sensitive; your characters
will be displayed as you typed them.
Note: The node name “Unsolicited_Msgs
" is reserved for system
use in DH+ applications and cannot be assigned to a node defined
by the user. It allows the terminal to support unsolicited messages
to and from the controller. You cannot use a node with this name
in Modbus applications.