Chapter 5 - programming the syncpro, Set points, Programming the syncpro – Rockwell Automation 1901 SyncPro User Manual
Page 39: Chapter

Programming the SyncPro
Set Points
Prior to use, the Synchronous Protector must be programmed with
nine common set points and possibly one additonal parameter. To
start the programming procedure a macro has been defined in the
DTAM as F()-1. Press [ESC], then the [F()] key followed by the
[1] key. The register N23:0 will be displayed. Enter a value of 1
and press [ENTER] to start the sequence.
During the sequence, the following set points are entered:
1. Minimum % Synchronous Slip Frequency (% of synchronous)
2. Power Factor Trip (% of unity)
3. Power Factor Delay Trip ( x 0.01 Seconds)
4. Squirrel-Cage Protection Trip – time at 95% speed
5. Squirrel-Cage Protection Trip – time at 50% speed
6. Squirrel-Cage Protection Trip – time at stall
7. Function Order (1-5)
8. Incomplete Sequence Trip Time Delay(Seconds)
9. Diagnostic Fault Mask
The programming sequence can be started in mid-stream by entering
the above corresponding number to that of the parameter desired
into the N23:0 register. For example, to enter the Function Order,
without the need to enter the preceding set points, enter the value 7
in the N23:0 register.
At each prompt, type the new set point if required and press
[ENTER]. If the current set point is acceptable, simply press
[ENTER], or [ESC]. If an invalid value is entered, a message
indicating this will be displayed, showing the valid limits to be
entered. Once the message is removed, a short pause occurs, and
then the prompts resume. After the last entry is made, the data is
saved in the SyncPro data tables.
The data entry sequence may only be performed when the motor is
inactive. If the motor is started while data is being entered into the
DTAM, the data entry sequence will be aborted.
The operating frequency of the starter is set to either 50 or 60 Hz
by entering the desired value into N23:1. This word is accessed by
the macro F()-2.
Refer to publication 1747-ND013 for information on the usage of
the 1747-DTAM.
1901-UM020C-EN-P – June 2013