Second tutorial: adding constraints on responses, Running optquest – Rockwell Automation Arena OptQuest Users Guide User Manual
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Second tutorial: Adding constraints on responses
In the Movie Theater Design model of our first tutorial, we assumed that management was
interested only in maximizing net profits, subject to a maximum of eight employees staff-
ing the theater functions.
This does not account for the need to serve all customers. We would like to require that
the theater functions be adequately staffed to minimize the number of patrons who balk or
leave because a line is too long.
To begin the second tutorial:
1. Start Arena.
2. Open the Movie Theater Design.doe model from the Arena Examples folder.
Running OptQuest
Use the following steps to run OptQuest for the Movie Theater Design model.
1. To start OptQuest, select Tools > OptQuest for Arena.
This will invoke the initial OptQuest window.
2. Select Browse. Move to the Examples directory in your Arena folder and open file
Movie Theater Design1.opt.
3. When the optimization file opens, select Responses from the tree view, or select View
> Responses from the toolbar to display the Responses Summary grid.
From the User-Specified Count responses, check the items for “Number leaving ticket
line” and “Number leaving food line.” Re-order the list by clicking in the Included
header to bring the checked items to the top.
4. Now that we’ve identified these new response criteria, we’ll add two new constraints
to define the requirements for the numbers leaving each line. Our goal is to have no
customers leave the ticket line and fewer than eight leave the food line.
Under the Constraints node, for each new constraint, you’ll right-click to Add New.
Enter a new line for each of the following constraint names and expressions:
Constraint 2; Expression [Number leaving food line] <= 8
Constraint 3; Expression [Number leaving ticket line] = 0