The main menus (cont’d) – Rockwell Automation 2708-NNM Network Manager Software User Manual

Page 25

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Chapter 3

The Menus


Programmers may wish to precede their data with a character that specifies
the type of data. This character would be used by NM to determine which
file to put this data in.

An example would be a network in which two applications were occurring.
Half the workstations do time and attendance


the other half are used for

inventory control. All the data from both applications comes into the Master
workstation and is sent to the host which is running NM.

If the time and attendance data is preceded by an I or an O, for in and out
respectively, the


ins’ could be stored in one file and the


outs’ in

another. The rest of the data could go in the inventory file.


0104000101IEmployee Name, TimeIn, Date
0106000201OEmployee Name, TimeOut, Date
0108000401 Any other type of record............

Let’s set up a file to capture the records with the first examples format. Get to
the Main Menu by pressing

a few times. Now select the following

menus to get to ‘Capture field editing’ menu, Supervisor Menu / Change
Configuration / File/Data Capture / Capture Field Editing.

Once you are in the ‘Capture field editing’ menu press


to edit the

first capture field. The first entry in the form is


short name of the field to

display, press


erase the –current entry and type ClockIn,



advance to the next entry.

This entry asks for the position in the record of the key to match, in our
example the key position is the eleventh (11) character so type in





Note: When determining the position of the key in the record you must take
into account that all records sent by the master to NM will have a 10 digit
header. This prefix signifies, among other things, which terminal this data
came from. So if your key is in the first position of the record sent to NM,
then your actual key position would be 1 + 10 which is the 11th position
when the data arrives at NM.

The next entry is the actual character to match (key), at the specified
position. The character we want to match for this file is




. So type in

a capital


and press .

Next we need to enter in a file name in which to store these records, type in
PUNCHIN and press .

The Main Menus (cont’d)