Page 21

Publication 2711-6.9
Modbus Communications for PanelView Terminals 21
The following errors are not specific to Modbus but may appear when
you exit the Tag Editor.
PanelBuilder32 Node Error Messages
PanelBuilder32 Translation Error Messages
Recommended Action
Minimum Value is invalid, must be between 0 and 9999
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Minimum Value is invalid, must be between 0 and 65535
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Minimum Value is invalid, must be between –32768 and 32767
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Minimum Value is invalid, must be between –99999997952 and 999999995904
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Maximum Value is invalid, must be between 0 and 9999
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Maximum Value is invalid, must be between 0 and 65535
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Maximum Value is invalid, must be between –32768 and 32767
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Maximum Value is invalid, must be between 0 and 9999
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Scale Value is invalid, must be between –99.999997952e9 and 999,999995904e9
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Offset Value is invalid, must be between –99.999997952e9 and 999,999995904e9
Enter appropriate value in Tag Editor.
Recommended Action
Slave Response Timeout is invalid, must be between 20
and 50000.
Correct value in the Communications Setup Dialog.
RTS TX Delay is invalid, must be between 0 and 2000.
Correct value in the Communications Setup Dialog.
RTS Off Delay is invalid, must be between 0 and 2000.
Correct value in the Communications Setup Dialog.
CTS Timeout is invalid, must be between 0 and 2000.
Correct value in the Communications Setup Dialog.
Node Address is invalid, must be between 1 and 255
Correct value in the Communications Setup Dialog.
Data Bits / Parity is invalid.
Correct value in the Communications Setup Dialog.
Port Configuration / Modem Handshaking is invalid.
Correct value in the Communications Setup Dialog.
Baud Rate is invalid.
Correct value in the Communications Setup Dialog.
Terminal node not configured.
Configure the node in the Communications Setup Dialog.
Network node is invalid, must be Modbus type.
Configure the node in the Communications Setup Dialog.