Rockwell Automation 284G ArmorStart - Getting Started User Manual
Page 8

Publication 284G-QS001A-EN-P - December 2008
ArmorConnect Cable Ratings
The ArmorConnect Power Media cables are rated per UL Type TC
600V 90 °C Dry 75 °C Wet, Exposed Run (ER) or MTW 600V 90 °C or
STOOW 105 °C 600V - CSA STOOW 600V FT2. For additional
information regarding ArmorConnect Power Media see the ArmorStart
User Manual.
Branch Circuit Protection Requirements for ArmorConnect™
Three-Phase Power Media
When using ArmorConnect Three-Phase Power Media, only fuses can be
used for the motor branch circuit protective device, for the group motor
installations. The recommended fuse types are the following: Class CC, T,
or J type fuses. For additional information, see the ArmorStart User
Manual. A 100 A circuit breaker can be used for the motor branch
protective device, for the group motor installations when using only the
following ArmorConnect power media components: 280-M35M-M1,
280-M35F-M1, 280-T35, and 280-PWRM35*-M*. For additional
information, see the ArmorStart User Manual.
Group Motor Installations for USA and Canada Markets
The ArmorStart Distributed Motor controllers are listed for use with each
other in group installations per NFPA 79, Electrical Standard for Industrial
Machinery. When applied according to the group motor installation
requirements, two or more motors, of any rating or controller type, are
permitted on a single branch circuit. Group Motor Installation has been
successfully used for many years in the USA and Canada.
Wiring and Workmanship Guidelines
In addition to conduit and seal-tite raceway, it is acceptable to utilize cable
that is dual rated Tray Cable, Type TC-ER and Cord, STOOW, for power
and control wiring on ArmorStart installations. In the USA and Canada
installations, the following guidance is outlined by the NEC and NFPA 79.
In industrial establishments where the conditions of maintenance and
supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation, and
where the exposed cable is continuously supported and protected against
physical damage using mechanical protection, such as struts, angles, or
channels, Type TC tray cable that complies with the crush and impact
requirements of Type MC (Metal Clad) cable and is identified for such use
with the marking Type TC-ER (Exposed Run)* shall be permitted between
a cable tray and the utilization equipment or device as open wiring. The
cable shall be secured at intervals not exceeding 1.8 m (6 ft) and installed in
a “good workman-like” manner. Equipment grounding for the utilization
equipment shall be provided by an equipment grounding conductor within
the cable.