Caution – S&S Cycle Bore 4 1⁄8 V-Series Engines User Manual
Page 5

NOTE - Because of sealed, wet primary in Harley-Davidson
models drive trains, S&S
installs sprocket shaft seals
with spring facing out. See Picture 8.
5. Allow crankcase sealant to cure per mfr.’s instructions, then
pour four ounces of motor oil over bearing end of
connecting rod assembly and into flywheel cavity. Rotate
flywheels several times to distribute oil over connecting rod
bearings. Assembly should turn freely and without binding.
Disassemble, clean and inspect oil pump, leaving supply drive
gear, key, and snap ring in place on shaft.
2. Reassemble pump, applying assembly lube to gears and
gear cavities in pump body. Remove excess to avoid
contaminating gaskets. Rotate gears as preliminary
check for bind, and to confirm that drive gear keys are
properly installed.
NOTE - If bind occurs, determine whether problem is with supply
or return gears by removing idler gear from either side and
rotating pump. When binding gear is removed, pump will rotate
freely. Problem can usually be corrected by rotating gear 180°.
NOTE - S&S HVHP oil pumps offer more than one location for oil
supply fitting. Lowest fitting should not be used on models with
oil tank below transmission. S&S recommends stock placement
for oil supply fitting in Dyna™ and late FL models. See Picture 9.
Routing oil supply line to lowest fitting on models with oil
tank below transmission could allow air to enter oil pump
under certain circumstances, causing “air lock”, loss of
lubrication and engine damage.
3. Apply assembly lube to oil pump driveshaft and driveshaft
bushing in crankcase. See Picture 10. Install oil pump in
normal fashion, placing pump drive gear #33-4230 over
driveshaft as shaft is passed through crankcase bushing.
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 10
Picture 9