S&S Cycle Bore 4 1⁄8 V-Series Engines User Manual
Page 4

Apply coat of assembly lube to Timken
bearing installed
in Step 1.
3. Place left side crankcase half on sprocket shaft and bearing,
insuring that connecting rods are in correct positions.
See Picture 3.
Install included Timken
bearing spacer. See Picture 4.
Lubricate rollers of remaining Timken
bearing with
assembly lube. Apply assembly lube to bearing inner race
and sprocket shaft bearing surface. Install bearing on shaft
with appropriate tool. See Picture 5.
NOTE - Pinion and sprocket shaft bearings should be correct sizes,
but it is engine builder’s responsibility to confirm flywheel
endplay, connecting rod sideplay, bearing fit, and all clearances
in Unassembled engines at time of assembly. It is of particular
importance to check flywheel endplay and install different
Timken bearing spacer if necessary. The flywheel end-play
specification is .001”-.005”.
6. Lubricate pinion bearing and pinion shaft bearing boss with
assembly lube. Install bearing and secure with pinion shaft
main bearing snap ring. See Picture 6.
NOTE - Snap ring supplied by S&S
or identical replacement must
be used with pinion bearing supplied in Super Sidewinder
engine. Ends of snap ring are rounded on one side, sharp on the
other. Install snap ring with sharp edge out, away from flywheels.
Noting solvent precautions on page 1, wipe down mating
surfaces of crankcase halves with lacquer thinner. Remove
residue with clean, dry cloth, then apply sealant of choice to
both crankcase halves. Take care to avoid breather cavity
and other areas where sealant might reach inside of engine.
See Picture 7. Coat right main bearing race with assembly
lube. If applicable, allow sealant to cure according to
manufacturer’s instructions, then join left and right
crankcase halves.
NOTE - S&S uses Threebond
1104 to seal crankcase. Use any
sealant carefully to prevent excess from entering engine and
obstructing oil passages or contaminating oil supply.
2. Install crankcase studs and washers according to crankcase
NOTE - Alignment studs for S&S crankcases are in locations B,
E, & G. See Diagram 1. They must be installed before other
studs and bolts. Fit is tight, so alignment studs must be
lubricated with assembly lube, then tapped through case
assembly with plastic mallet.
Tighten 5⁄16” case bolts and studs to 18 ft-lbs,1⁄4” center bolt
to 120 in-lbs. See Diagram 1 for identification, and tighten
fasteners in following sequence: G-B-E-F-H-D-C-A.
4. Install drive sprocket spacer and sprocket shaft oil seal in
main bearing race of left case.
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Diagram 1