Caution warning caution, Warning caution warning – S&S Cycle Bore 4 1⁄8 V-Series Engines User Manual
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recommends that the primary drive and housing be
removed when installing this engine in order to ensure all
components are in proper alignment.
NOTE - Install the charging system to the crankcase as per the
appropriate service manual according to the specifications for the
particular model. Use new stator fasteners if applicable. If
necessary, install spacer for 45 amp alternator. This step is not
required for all models. After installation of flywheel assembly,
drive sprocket spacer #31-4011 and Timken
main bearing
seal, place S&S spacer #31-4033 (not provided) on sprocket shaft
between spacer #31-4011and alternator rotor. See Picture 27.
Dimensions of spacer #31-4033 are 1.130” (I.D.) x 1.730” (O.D.) x
.325” (thickness).
Failure to use spacer #31-4033 with 45 amp alternator will
cause rotor to bottom against crankcase when sprocket nut is
tightened, causing damage to crankcase, rotor, or both.
To insure safe operation of motorcycle, these operations must
be performed correctly and in a professional manner.
Refer to the drive section of the appropriate service manual
and loosen the transmission to frame mounting hardware.
Place the engine on the mounting pads of the frame. Install
and tighten the two rear mounting bolts. Check the
relationship of the front engine mount to frame.
NOTE - With the rear crankcase fasteners tightened, there
should not be any space between the engine mounting pad and
the front crankcase mount. Due to variations with different
frames a gap may exist here. If this situation is found, use the
appropriate thickness of shims to eliminate this gap. Failure to
correct this may cause the crankcases to be in a “bind” when the
front engine mounting fasteners are tightened, resulting in an
engine vibration.
Install the two front engine mounting bolts.
NOTE - The front two engine mounting fasteners should install
easily through the frame and crankcase. If it requires that these
bolts be “driven” through the mounting holes, the crankcases
may again be in a “bind”, resulting in an engine vibration.
Loosen all four lower mounting fasteners.
5. Refer to the drive section of the appropriate service manual.
Install the inner primary chaincase to the transmission and
engine crankcase. Make certain to use a new engine-to-
primary O-ring and lock tabs or safety wire on the inner
chaincase fasteners.
Failure to use new lock tabs or safety wire on inner primary
chaincase mounting hardware may result in the fasteners
backing out and possible damage to the primary drive.
Loose fasteners inside of primary chaincase may cause the
transmission to “lock up”, resulting in possible loss of control
of motorcycle with injury or death to riders and others.
Refer to the drive section of the appropriate service manual.
Tighten the transmission to the frame.
Tighten the four lower crankcase fasteners to 35 ft-lbs.
Install the upper engine mounting bracket. Pay particular
attention to alignment with frame. Shim as needed. Tighten
bracket to head to 35 ft-lbs. Refer to specific frame
make/model year service manual for torque specification of
upper bracket-to-frame fastener.
9. Refer to the drive section of the appropriate service manual
for reassembly of the primary drive and case. Make certain
to install new chaincase lubricant if applicable.
Lift and support the transmission case to bring the rear
engine mount pad relatively level with the bottom
frame tubes.
Place engine in position on rear engine mounting pad.
Install and hand tighten rear engine mounting fasteners.
Install front mount with stabilizer, if applicable, and
hand tighten.
Refer to the drive section of the appropriate service manual.
Install the inner primary chaincase to the transmission and
engine crankcase. Make certain to use a new engine- to-
primary O-ring and lock tabs or safety wire on the inner
chaincase fasteners.
Failure to use new lock tabs or safety wire on inner primary
chaincase mounting hardware may result in the fasteners
backing out and possible damage to the primary drive.
Loose fasteners inside of primary chaincase may cause the
transmission to “lock up”, resulting in possible loss of control
of motorcycle with injury or death to riders and others.
5. Tighten primary housing to engine crankcase and
transmission case.
a. Torque inner primary housing engine mounting
fasteners to 22 ft-lbs.
Picture 27