RKI Instruments SC-01 User Manual
Page 47

Viewing, Printing, Exporting, and Deleting Data in the Data Window • 47
To view and perform desired operations with the interval trend
data files:
1. With the program already launched, click the Data control
button along the right side of the program window. The Data
window will appear.
2. If necessary, double-click the SC-01 icon in the top of the
Data window’s upper left frame to see the folders of
downloaded data.
3. Find your instrument by serial number, then click the
expanded view symbol (+) of or double-click the folder to
view the contents.The top folder is untitled and contains the
Calibration History, Alarm Event, Trouble Event, and Sensor
Change History folders. The rest of the folders contain
folders for the interval trend files and alarm trend files and
are named and organized by date (month/year).
4. Click the expanded view symbol (+) of or double-click the
dated folder whose contents you want to see.
5. Click on the Interval Trend folder. In the upper right frame of
the Data window, a list of file names will appear in the Name
Figure 36: Data Window - Selecting Interval Trend Data Files
Click to
Click to show
interval trend
Interval trend
to show data