RKI Instruments Data Cal 2000 User Manual

Page 35

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Setting Up the Data Cal 2000 Software • 30

3600 seconds (1 hour).

8. Select the datalogging options in the Data Logger section.

If Down Load Data Logger is selected, the software will
automatically download all data from an instrument when it is
connected to the Data Cal 2000 if it is due for download. The
Down Load interval value (see below) determines if an
instrument is due. If Down Load Data Logger and Clear After
Down Load are selected, then all logged data in a downloaded
instrument will be cleared after it is downloaded.

The Down Load Interval defines how often a unit that is
connected to the Data Cal 2000 will be downloaded if Down
Load Data Logger is selected. If it is set to 0 days, instruments
will be downloaded every time they are connected to the Data
Cal 2000. It is adjustable from 0 to 60 days.

9. Select the bump test options in the Bump Test section.

Selecting the Manual Bump Test selection box activates the
Bump test button in the main window and allows you to perform
a bump test manually.

If the Auto Bump Test selection box is selected, the software will
automatically check if a connected instrument is due for a bump
test (see the selection of the bump test interval below) and
perform a bump test if the instrument is due. If Auto Bump Test
is selected, make sure the appropriate calibration gas cylinders
are always connected to the appropriate fittings on the back of
the docking station when instruments are being connected to the
Data Cal 2000.

Set the bump test interval to the desired number of days. If Auto
Bump Test is selected, when an instrument is connected to the
Data Cal 2000, if it has not been bump tested in the number of
days defined in the Interval field, it will be bump tested by the
Data Cal 2000. It is adjustable from 1 day to 180 days.

Select the gas exposure time. The gas exposure time defines
the number of seconds that calibration gas is applied to an
instrument during a bump test. It is adjustable from 30 seconds