RKI Instruments SC-01 User Manual
Page 12
7 • Description
SC-01 Operator’s Manual
The SC-01 is capable of accepting a variety of toxic gas sensors. The
sensor is cylindrically shaped with a multi-pin plug on one end that mates
with the sensor socket in the SC-01 and a diffusion port on the other end
that allows ambient air to reach the sensor. The diffusion port on the end of
the sensor is protected by two plastic ribs in a cross pattern.
The various sensors used in the SC-01 are “smart” sensors. They have
imbedded memory that saves several parameters including the target gas,
detection range, Warning and Alarm setpoints, the most recent calibration
date, and the most recent calibration settings. This allows the SC-01 to
have true plug and play capability. If a calibrated sensor of one type is
exchanged with a sensor in the SC-01 of another type, the SC-01 will be
able to retrieve all the information necessary to monitor for the new target
gas from the new sensor without additional user setup. See “Parts List” on
page 38 for a list of the available sensors.
The LCD is visible through the front of the case. When the SC-01 is in
Measuring Mode, the target gas concentration, battery condition, and
alarm indications are displayed on the LCD. Various other items are
displayed when the LCD is in other modes, such as Setup Mode. When
either of the three control buttons are pressed, the LCD backlight comes on
for 30 seconds.
Control Buttons
Below the LCD are three control buttons: AIR
, and POWER.
The functions performed by the control buttons are summarized in the
following table:
Table 2: SC-01 Control Buttons
Button Function
• Turns the LCD back light on.
• Adjusts LCD readings when a fresh air adjustment
is performed.
• Enters Setup Mode with the POWER button.
• Decreases a parameter’s value or changes a
parameter’s setting when a parameter is available
for adjustment in an operational mode.