RaySafe i2 Installation Manual User Manual
Page 9
RaySafe i2 Installation and maintenance manual – Installation
3. drill the holes as marked, using the masonry or wood drill as appropriate.
4. mount the veSA 75 wall mounting plate to the wall using the provided screws and plugs.
5. Position the real time display with its mounting plate on the wall mounting plate.
PoweR SUPPly
A 12v power adaptor (Astec dPS53-m, fw7556m/12) powers the real time display.
Insert the output connector of the power adaptor to the back of the real time display, and the AC power cable
to a grounded electrical outlet socket.
you may use the included tie wraps to attach the power adaptor if needed.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, the real time display must only be connected to a supply
mains with protective earth.
The real time display battery should not be replaced due to risk of explosion if it is replaced by
an incorrect type.
The electrical outlet socket should be near the real time display and shall be easily accessible.
etHeRnet InteRfACe
the ethernet interface is used together with the dose manager application only.
Perform the following steps to connect the real time display to the hospital network:
1. Connect an ethernet cable (not included in the package) to the hospital’s network.
2. Connect the ethernet cable to the ethernet connector at the back of the real time display.
ConfIgURe tHe ReAl tIme dISPlAy
follow the instructions below to enter the real time display settings view:
1. tap the settings menu symbol in the upper left corner of the online view.
2. enter configuration values by tapping the buttons in the respective menus.
Make all real time display set-up configurations in the system settings menu.