System function tests, Expose dosimeter to radiation, Dose viewer/dose manager test – RaySafe i2 Installation Manual User Manual
Page 23

RaySafe i2 Installation and maintenance manual – System function tests
SyStem fUnCtIon teStS
we recommend these tests in order to verify the correct installation and configuration of the RaySafe i2 system.
eXPoSe doSImeteR to RAdIAtIon
follow these steps to expose a dosimeter to scattered radiation in the other tests described below:
1. Place the dosimeter outside the primary beam, close to a phantom placed in the X-ray beam, so that the
dosimeter receives scattered radiation. make sure that the dosimeter is within range of a real time display.
Keep the dosimeter outside the primary X-ray beam.
2. expose the dosimeter to scattered X-ray radiation for one minute, by turning the X-ray machine on.
doSe vIeweR/doSe mAnAgeR teSt
follow the instructions below to verify that dose viewer detects the dosimeter:
1. expose a dosimeter to scattered radiation (see “expose dosimeter to radiation” on page 23).
2. Connect the cradle to the PC running dose viewer/dose manager.
3. Put the dosimeter in the cradle. dose viewer/dose manager will detect the dosimeter within a few seconds.
ensure that dosimeter and dose data is presented in the main window (see figure below).