Dose manager software update, Real time display touch screen re-calibration – RaySafe i2 Installation Manual User Manual

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RaySafe i2 Installation and maintenance manual – Software Update and maintenance


If the update procedure fails, remove any previous versions of the dose viewer application and re-install the
software update package.


Removing a previous version of the dose viewer application will cause the dose history and
the passwords settings of that version to be deleted.

doSe mAnAgeR SoftwARe UPdAte

follow the instructions in section “dose manager installation” on page 19 to update the dose manager


Configuration and dose data from the previous version of the dose manager software will
remain unaffected by the software update.


If the update procedure fails, remove any previous versions of the dose manager application and re-install the
software update package.


Removing a previous version of the dose manager application will cause the dose history and
the passwords settings of that version to be deleted.

ReAl tIme dISPlAy toUCH SCReen Re-CAlIbRAtIon

If the touch screen does not respond correctly to user interaction, a touch screen recalibration may be needed.
follow the instructions below to perform a re-calibration:

1. Press and hold on the welcome screen that appears during real time display startup for 10 seconds to enter
the Setup view.

2. follow the instruction on the bottom of the screen and the subsequent instructions in the next views.