Dose viewer installation – RaySafe i2 Installation Manual User Manual

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RaySafe i2 Installation and maintenance manual – Installation


To prevent dosimeters not currently in use to show up on a real time display, the dosimeter
rack should be located preferably more than 10 meters away from the real time display and
not in line of sight.

lAngUAge menU

Figure 11. The language menu.

follow the instructions below to change the language in the real time display:

1. Choose your preferred language. the change will take effect after a restart, see steps 2–3 below

2. disconnect the power supply.

3. Re-connect the power supply.

doSe vIeweR InStAllAtIon

SyStem ReqUIRementS

• operating systems: windows 7, windows vista or windows XP

• .net 3.0