Software update and maintenance, Real time display software update, Dose viewer software update – RaySafe i2 Installation Manual User Manual
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RaySafe i2 Installation and maintenance manual – Software Update and maintenance
SoftwARe UPdAte And mAIntenAnCe
A software update package consists of a new version of the application in question.
ReAl tIme dISPlAy SoftwARe UPdAte
follow the instructions below to update the real time display software:
1. Save the entire folder ‘swupdate’ from the update package to a USb memory.
2. Press and hold on the welcome screen that appears during real time display startup for 10 seconds to enter
the Setup view.
3. Insert the USb memory at the back of the real time display.
It can take up to one minute for the real time display to detect the USB memory.
4. tap the Update real time display button to have the new software installed. this will take up to two
5. Click the ok button in the ‘Update succeeded’ dialog box.
6. Click the Start real time display button.
the software update procedure makes the real time display start on the new software version.
Configuration and dose data from the previous version of the real time display software will
remain unaffected by the software update.
If the update procedure fails, make sure that the update package is saved correctly on the USb memory.
If you get the message “USb memory not found”, try to remove and replace the USb memory. tap the Update
real time display button again.
If the software update fails, the real time display will stop at the software update screen
during next start up.
doSe vIeweR SoftwARe UPdAte
Configuration and dose data from the previous version of the dose viewer software will remain
unaffected by the software update.