RaySafe i2 Installation Manual User Manual

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RaySafe i2 Installation and maintenance manual – Installation

ReAl tIme dISPlAy InteRfACeS





Figure 2. The real time display interfaces: 1: 12 V DC, 2: ethernet connection, 3: USB connection, 4: VESA
75 interface

moUnt tHe ReAl tIme dISPlAy

the wall support kit contains:

• one veSA 75 wall mounting plate

• one veSA 75 real time display mounting plate

• fixation screws and plugs for the wall mounting plates

follow the steps below to mount the real time display on a wall:

1. mount the veSA 75 real time display mounting plate to the real time display using the screws provided with

the real time display. Use 8 washers.

2. Place the veSA 75 wall mounting plate on the wall and mark the location of the mounting screws through

the plate’s mounting holes.