Network safety, security and privacy, Toxic or hazardous substances and elements, Equipment label overview – RaySafe i2 System User Manual
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RaySafe i2 System User Manual – Safety
netwoRk SAfety, SeCURIty And pRIvACy
CUStoMeR Role In tHe pRodUCt SeCURIty pARtneRSHIp
we recognize that the security of Unfors RaySafe products is an important part of your facility’s security-in
depth strategy. However, these benefits can only be realized if you implement a comprehensive, multi-layered
strategy (including policies, processes, and technologies) to protect information and systems from external and
internal threats.
following industry-standard practice, your strategy should address physical security, operational
security, procedural security, risk management, security policies, and contingency planning. the practical
implementation of technical security elements varies by site and may employ a number of technologies,
including firewalls, virus-scanning software, authentication technologies, etc.
As with any computer-based system, protection must be provided such that firewalls and/or other security
devices are in place between the medical system and any externally accessible systems.
the USA veterans Administration has developed a widely used Medical device Isolation Architecture for this
purpose. Such perimeter and network defenses are essential elements in a comprehensive medical device
security strategy.
toXIC oR HAzARdoUS SUBStAnCeS And eleMentS
In this product, perchlorate material is present in lithium coin cells and/or batteries. Special handling may apply
for these materials, for more information, go to:
ReACH requires Unfors RaySafe to provide chemical content information for Substances of very High Concern
(SvHC) if they are present above 0.1% of the product weight. Components within electric and electronic
equipment may contain phthalates above the threshold (e.g. bis(2 ethyl(hexyl)phthalate), CAS nr.: 117-81-7). for
more information, please contact your Unfors RaySafe representative.
eqUIpMent lABel oveRvIew
this section describes the RaySafe i2 product labels and their locations.
Some of the information (such as frequency, type, date of manufacture, and other markings)
on the labels for your RaySafe i2 product may vary from the examples shown below.