Shutting down the real time display – RaySafe i2 System User Manual

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RaySafe i2 System User Manual – Using the real time display

time and date menu

Figure 15. The time and date menu

Set time, date, time zone and manage daylight saving time for the real time display (see figure above).

for daylight saving time, you can select to manage it manually or by selecting a daylight settings region for
your time zone. the possible regions available for daylight saving time are different depending on your current
time zone.

If you choose to manage daylight saving time manually, you can choose to set it to wintertime (+0 hours)
or summer time (+1 hours). If a region is selected, the change between winter/summer time will be done

SySteM SettIngS MenU

this menu is intended for service and is described in a separate service manual.

SHUttIng down tHe ReAl tIMe dISplAy

Unplug the power adapter.