Compatibility, Technical documentation, Compliance – RaySafe i2 System User Manual
Page 29: Training

RaySafe i2 System User Manual – Important information About the system
or operation, may relieve the manufacturer (or his agent) from all or some responsibility for resultant non-
compliance, damage or injury.
the product described in this manual should not be used in combination with other products or components
unless such other products or components are expressly recognized as compatible by Unfors RaySafe. (A list of
such products and components is available from the manufacturer.)
Changes and/or additions to the product should only be carried out by Unfors RaySafe or by third parties
expressly authorized by Unfors RaySafe to do so. Such changes and/or additions must comply with all
applicable laws and regulations that have the force of law within the jurisdiction(s) concerned, and with best
engineering practice.
Changes and/or additions to the product that are carried out by persons without the
appropriate training and/or using unapproved spare parts may lead to the Unfors RaySafe
warranty being voided. As with all complex technical products, maintenance by persons not
appropriately qualified and/or using unapproved spare parts carries serious risks of damage
to the product and of personal injury.
teCHnICAl doCUMentAtIon
on request, Unfors RaySafe will share circuit diagrams, component part lists, descriptions, calibration
instructions or other information that will assist service personnel to repair those parts of the RaySafe i2 system
that are designated as repairable.
the RaySafe i2 System complies with relevant international and national standards and laws. Information on
compliance will be supplied on request by your local Unfors RaySafe representative, or by the manufacturer.
Users of this product must have received adequate training on its safe and effective use before attempting to
operate the product described in these Instructions for Use. training requirements for this type of device will
vary from country to country. Users must make sure they receive adequate training in accordance with local
laws or regulations.
If you require further information about training in the use of this product, please contact your local Unfors
RaySafe representative.