Technical data, Dosimeter radiology, Dosimeter memory – RaySafe i2 System User Manual
Page 31: Dosimeter radiology dosimeter memory

RaySafe i2 System User Manual – technical data
teCHnICAl dAtA
doSIMeteR RAdIology
operational quantity*
10% or 1 µSv, whatever is greatest
dose Rate Range
40 µSv/h – 300 mSv/h
energy dependence X-/γ-rays
± 20% within n40 – n100
± 30% within n100 – n120
Angular dependence
± 5% within ± 5°
± 30% within ± 50°
+200%/-100% within ± 90°
temperature dependence
± 5% within 20-26°C
± 25% within 15-35°C
Battery voltage dependence
± 2% from fully charged until low battery shutdown
Response time
less than 1 s above 100 µSv/h, less than 5 s otherwise
position on body**
on torso outside lead apron
*) H
(10): personal dose equivalent at a depth of 10 mm according to ISo 4037.
**) position on body: the H
(10) measurement is only valid for a position on the torso outside any lead apron or
other protection. (to estimate effective dose to a user, one must use other means to estimate things like the
environmental radiation situation and the effectiveness of protection.)
doSIMeteR MeMoRy
the dosimeter has two dose data memories:
• the accumulated dose memory, where the dosimeter stores accumulated dose values every hour for the
entire lifetime of the dosimeter.