Real time display memory – RaySafe i2 System User Manual

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RaySafe i2 System User Manual – technical data

• the dose rate memory, where the dosimeter stores dose rate samples. when the radiation exceeds

40 µSv/h, the dosimeter stores one sample per second. this memory is limited to 3600 second-samples.


When the dose rate memory is full, the oldest data will be overwritten with newer data.

ReAl tIMe dISplAy MeMoRy

the real time display stores dose information and dosimeter information for dosimeters that have been
connected to it.

As the real time display does not have a limitation of 3600 s for the dose rate memory, the information
transmitted from the dosimeter will be more detailed. when a dosimeter is connected to a real time display, it
continuously transmits its measured dose exposures.


When the real time display memory is full, the oldest data will be overwritten.

the capacity of the real time display depends on the number of dosimeters that have been online and the
number of dose rate samples. Storage capacity example: 290 hours of dose exposure for 50 dosimeters each.

doSe dAtA tRAnSfeR fRoM doSIMeteR to ReAl tIMe dISplAy

when a dosimeter gets within range of a real time display, it will transfer data to the real time display (the
accumulated dose values the dosimeter has collected since last time it was within range). If a dosimeter is
within range of a real time display when it is exposed to radiation, the dosimeter will also start sending dose
rate samples to the real time display each second.

doSIMeteR And ReAl tIMe dISplAy/doSe vIeweR MeMoRIeS

dose rate samples that have been overwritten in the dosimeter’s dose rate memory may still be available in the
real time display.

If there are no dose rate samples neither in the real time display, nor in the dosimeter dose rate memory, the
real time display and dose viewer will instead display mean dose rate values based on accumulated dose
values (see figure below).

lack of dose rate samples in the real time display and/or dose viewer memories occurs when the:

• dosimeter is not within range of the real time display when it is exposed to radiation.

• dose rate samples in the dosimeter dose rate memory are overwritten.