RaySafe i2 System User Manual
Page 18

RaySafe i2 System User Manual – Using the real time display
In the day/week time spans you can view accumulated dose value bars. each bar represents the accumulated
dose during one/four hours, respectively. within the day and week time spans, tapping a dose bar in the
diagram will zoom into the larger underlying time scale (that is week -> day and day -> hour).
within each time span (hour/day/week) you can step forward and backward in time with the arrow buttons on
the bottom of the screen. By pressing and holding the arrow buttons you will scroll along the time axis within
the chosen zoom level.
Switching between hour, day and week will set the view to the current date and time.
In the upper left corner of the chart, the value of the accumulated dose during the chosen time span is visible.
ReAl tIMe dISplAy SettIngS vIew
the real time display settings view is where administrators configure the real time display. follow the
instructions below to enter the real time display settings view:
1. tap the settings menu symbol in the upper left corner of the online view.
2. enter configuration values by tapping the buttons in the respective menus
In the lower part of real time display settings, the real time display Id/serial number and the software version is
displayed. this information can be used as assistance for support issues.