Getting started, Keys on the raysafe xi base unit – RaySafe Xi User Manual

Page 8

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GettInG started

1. Connect a raysafe Xi detector of your choice to the raysafe Xi base unit with one of the two (2 and 10 m)

raysafe Xi cables.

2. position as required for the selected sensor.

3. turn on the raysafe Xi (ON/OFF key, see below), and the instrument specific setup information is

displayed. In the SENSOR MENU a detector or sensor field for your application can be selected.

4. the raysafe Xi is now in MEASURE MODE and ready to measure. press STEP to scroll through measured

parameters (also possible during fluoroscopy). the last three displayed parameters will automatically show
up after the next exposure. to change setup values (SETUP MENU) such as various delays, displayed units
and other choices, press SELECT.

Keys on the raysafe Xi Base unIt

ON/OFF: turns on the raysafe Xi and off when in SENSOR MENU.
EXIT: exit to the previous menu.
STEP: a short press steps through available options.
SELECT: a long press selects an option.


raysafe Xi user Manual – Getting started