RaySafe Xi User Manual
Page 45

when using the raysafe Xi Ct it is possible to change between dose and dLp by selecting dose unit as Gy or
Gycm in the settings menu.
How do I switch between kV and kVp?
the raysafe Xi switches to kVp automatically, as soon as the signal level is high enough (but only when using
r/f high). for high frequency generators, the difference between kV and kVp will be negligible.
In comparison to an ion chamber, the RaySafe Xi shows lower values, why?
the raysafe Xi r/f or mammography detector only measures the primary beam, not scattered radiation,
because the back of the detectors shielded with 1 mm of lead. the detector may therefore be placed on any
surface and still measure true air kerma.
Most ionization chambers measure primary as well as scattered radiation, which is why they should be placed
free in air (at least 0.5 m (2 ft) from any scattering material). when used in such fashion, the raysafe Xi will
show similar readings when compared to an ion chamber.
What is the difference between the “paddle” and “no paddle” setting in the mammography sensor
this setting selects between two different kV calibrations. It does not affect any other measurement, such as
dose, hVL or time.
• why do I not get a kV reading when choosing beam qualities other than Mo/Mo (and optional: Mo/rh,
w/rh and w/al) for mammography?
as far as we know, all mammography devices have at least one of the above mentioned beam qualities. to
calibrate the raysafe Xi for measuring kV on other beam qualities would thus result in unnecessary complexity
and a higher calibration cost.
What happens if the mA/mAs cable is connected with the wrong polarity?
the raysafe Xi will not show any ma/mas readings. as long as the ma/mas cable is securely connected to both
generator and base unit (in any polarity), there is no increased risk of damaging the generator or the Xi.
Can I use the transparent detector for the same applications as the CT detector?
no, the transparent detector do not measure radial radiation.
Why are the HVL and the total filtration sometimes the same value and sometimes not?
hVL depends on kV, while the total filtration value depends on the physical filtration in the X-ray equipment.
therefore the hVL and the total filtration are not dependent on each other and may sometimes be equal and
sometimes not.
raysafe Xi user Manual – tips and tricks