C. serial command list and documentation, D. configuration parameter list and documentation, E. cyclic redundancy check (crc) error detection – Pololu TReX Jr User Manual

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5.c. Serial Command List and Documentation
The TReX Jr command documentation


(100k pdf) contains a list of all the serial commands the TReX Jr recognizes along with detailed documentation.

5.d. Configuration Parameter List and Documentation
The TReX Jr parameter documentation


(124k pdf) contains a list of all the TReX Jr’s configuration parameters along with detailed documentation.

5.e. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Error Detection
For certain applications, verifying the integrity of the data you’re sending and receiving can be very important.
Because of this, the TReX Jr has optional 7-bit cyclic redundancy checking, which is similar to a standard checksum
but somewhat more robust as it can detect duplicated and out-of-order bytes.

When bit 6 of the serial settings parameter is cleared and bit 5 is set, cyclic redundancy checking is enabled. In CRC
mode, the TReX Jr expects an extra byte to be tacked onto the end of every command packet. The lower seven bits
of this byte must be the 7-bit CRC for that packet, or else the TReX Jr will set its CRC Error bit in the UART Error
Byte and ignore the command. The TReX Jr will also transmit an additional byte every time it returns data; the
lower seven bits of this byte will be the 7-bit CRC for the packet of data the TReX Jr is sending you.

A detailed account of how cyclic redundancy checking works is beyond the scope of this document, but you can find
a wealth of information using Wikipedia


. The quick version is that

a CRC computation is basically a carryless long division of a CRC “polynomial” into your message, where all you
care about is the remainder. The TReX Jr uses CRC-7, which means it uses an 8-bit polynomial (whose MSB must
always be 1) and, as a result, produces a 7-bit remainder. This remainder is the lower 7 bits of the CRC byte you
tack onto the end of your command packets.

The CRC-7 algorithm is as follows:

1. Express your 8-bit CRC-7 polynomial (TReX Jr default is 0x89) and message in binary.

2. Add 7 zeroes to the end of your message.

3. Write your CRC-7 polynomial underneath the message so that the MSB of your polynomial is directly
below the MSB of your message.

4. If the MSB of your CRC-7 is aligned under a 1, XOR the CRC-7 with the message to get a new message; if
the MSB of your CRC-7 is aligned under a 0, do nothing.

5. Shift your CRC-7 right one bit. If all 8 bits of your CRC-7 polynomial still line up underneath message bits,
go back to step 4.

6. What’s left of your message is now your CRC-7 result (transmit these seven bits as your CRC byte when
talking to the TReX Jr with CRC enabled).

If you’ve never encountered CRCs before, this probably sounds a lot more complicated than it really is. Allow me to
demonstrate a sample CRC-7 calculation so you can see how this actually works. Our CRC-7 polynomial will be
0x89 (the default TReX CRC-7 polynomial) and our message will be a two-byte sequence: 0x86, 0x1F (the
command packet to get raw channel input values for all five channels).

Steps 1 & 2 (write as binary, add 7 zeroes to the end of the message):

CRC-7 Polynomial = [1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1]

message = [1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0] [0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Steps 3, 4, & 5:


Pololu TReX Jr User's Guide

© 2001–2009 Pololu Corporation

5. The Serial Interface

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