Tistatus - transducer interface status, Tistatus - transducer interface status 47 – MTS SWIFT 40 Sensor User Manual

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TISTATUS - Transducer Interface Status

SWIFT 40 Sensors

Software Utilities


TISTATUS - Transducer Interface Status

This program is used to get status information from the SWIFT Transducer
Interface (TI). When the TI has encountered a problem and is blinking an error
code, this program can be used to easily interpret the error. For certain errors this
program may provide additional information. The program also provides
information such as the internal power supply voltages.


The power supply voltages displayed may be unreliable if the power
supplies are too low, as the circuit used to measure the power supply
also depends on the available power.


The tistatus command requires two arguments:

tistatus port box

port is the communications serial port number

1 = COM1:
2 = COM2:

box is the TI communications address

1 = lowest possible address
9 = highest possible address


C:\bin>tistatus 1 1

tistatus $Revision: 1.6 $ ($Date: 2002/04/10

21:05:49 $)

Reads status from the SWIFT Transducer Interface
Requires that the remote comm port be configured for 19200
baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.

Tue Dec 28 10:15:14 2004

Firmware Version: 2.6.1

Ground = 0

+5V Supply = 4.98904

+15V Supply = 14.9479

-15V Supply = -14.9433

+5V Ref = 5.00092

-5V Ref = -5.00763

No system errors to report

Closing the communications port...

Program completed.