MTS SWIFT 40 Sensor User Manual

Page 128

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SWIFT 40 Sensors



Excessive noise on the
signal caused the shunt
tolerance to be exceeded.

Electrical Noise: The SWIFT sensor has power
conditioning, shielded cables, and on-board
amplification to reduce electrical noise.
However, if the TI or transducer are very near a
powerful noise source, some noise can be
picked up with the signal.

Check that the TI electronics are grounded
properly at the power cabling or grounding bar
located on the back panel of the TI box. If
possible, perform the zeroing and shunt
calibration procedure away from the powerful
noise source.

Physical Noise: If the transducer is part of an
assembly that is connected to active hydraulics
or other assemblies that may experience
physical vibrations, these vibrations may be
picked up as inertial forces read by the
transducer. Check that the transducer is not
experiencing dynamic loading or vibrations
during the zero process or shunt calibration.

A temporary fix is to increase the shunt
verification tolerance by changing the setting in
the TI. Note that any temporary fix by
increasing the tolerance may allow a shunt
calibration to pass, when it may be indicative of
a problem that should not be ignored.

Shunt Calibration indicator
light blinks after shunt
calibration (Shunt
Calibration Failed).

The slip ring or road
simulator connector housing
assembly is not transmitting
a signal.

The shunt procedure requires the output through
the slip ring or connector housing. Make sure
that the slip ring/connector housing connection
is secure and that no connectors appear to be
damaged. If possible, swap it out with another
slip ring or connector housing to verify that the
slip ring or connector housing component has
not failed or been damaged.

The shunt reference values
were changed.

Use the TIXFER utility to upload the current
calibration file. Check the file to verify that the
variables ShuntDeltaRef are the same as shown
on the original calibration file provided by
MTS. The eight ShuntDeltaMeas values
should read approximately -3.9 V or -2.8 V for
both the aluminum and titanium standard
SWIFT transducers.

The shunt tolerance is not
set correctly.

Use the TIXFER utility to upload the current
calibration file. The ShuntTolerance value
should be set at 2, indicating an allowable shunt
variation of 2%. If this value is changed to zero
or a very small number, the difference between
the reference and the current shunt
measurement may fall outside of this tolerance
and be read as a shunt failure.

Troubleshooting Guide (part 7 of 12)