MTS Multipurpose Elite Test User Manual

Page 85

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ALC Compensator Settings



Use the Browse button to browse to and select
the Matrix file.

Browse to and
Select the Matrix File

Specifies whether you want the application to use
the matrix parameters entered in the Matrix

Matrix Source

window or the parameters currently loaded in the
controller real-time.

If you choose Use Controller Matrix, the
application will disregard any file saved on disk
that matches the entered name and use the matrix
parameters currently loaded in the controller

If you choose Use Configured Matrix, the
application will use the parameters currently
entered in the Matrix window.

Specifies the number of cells in each axis of the
matrix (16, 32, or 64), which determines the

Matrix Size

resolution of the correction (the higher the number,
the greater the resolution).

Selects the time interval between matrix saves. If
you hold the test, the timer for saving the matrix
also holds.

Matrix Save Interval


If you want the matrix to be saved only at
the end of the test, type a time longer than
the Profile or Cycle activity.

Specifies the amount of initial gain applied to the
signal. The default is 100% or no magnification.

Initial Gain

Attempts to run the test at a faster rate than
specified in the selected Profile or Cycle activity.

Enable Frequency

For example, if the Profile or Cycle activity
specifies that the end levels be achieved using a
frequency of 0.2 Hz, the application may actually
achieve these end levels at 0.5 Hz. The maximum
rate increase is specified on the ALC tab in the
Compensator tab in the Station Setup window in
the Station Manager application.

Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide 85

6.0 Creating Advanced Tests