0 stop the test procedure and observe the response, 0 resume the test and change setpoint and span – MTS Multipurpose Elite Test User Manual

Page 67

background image Stop the Test Procedure and Observe the Response

This task stops the test and shows signal traces on the Signal Scope.

1. To stop the test, click the Stop button (red octagon) on the Test control panel.

2. Observe the test as it plays out on the Signal Scope. The trace for displacement feedback ramps to

Setpoint (4.0 mm) in 3 seconds.

3. Observe that the Station Manager Span remains at 50% and setpoint remains at 4.0 mm.

Station Manager Span and Setpoint Resume the Test and Change Setpoint and Span

This task resumes the test and shows signal traces on the Signal Scope. The purpose of this task is to make
Setpoint and Span changes to the test as it is running, and to observe the changes on the Signal Scope.

1. Click the Run button (green arrow) on the Test control panel to resume the test.

2. Observe the test as it plays out on the Signal Scope. The trace for displacement feedback:

Begins at setpoint (4.0 mm)

Tapers to span (50%) in 3 seconds

3. In the Station Manager Setpoint window, change Setpoint to 6 mm and click Enter.

Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide 67

5.0 Creating Tests