0 technical support, 0 how to get technical support, 0 before you contact mts – MTS Multipurpose Elite Test User Manual

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1.0 Technical Support

1.1.0 How to Get Technical Support

Start with your manuals

The manuals supplied by MTS provide most of the information you need to use and maintain your equipment.
If your equipment includes software, look for online help and README files that contain additional product

Technical support methods

MTS provides a full range of support services after your system is installed. If you have any questions about
a system or product, contact Technical Support in one of the following ways. > Contact Us (upper-right corner) > In the Subject field, choose
To escalate a problem; Problem Submittal Form

Web site

Worldwide: [email protected]


Europe: [email protected]

Worldwide: 1 800 328 2255 - toll free in U.S.; +1 952 937 4000 - outside U.S.


Europe: +800 81002 222, International toll free in Europe

Outside the U.S.

For technical support outside the United States, contact your local sales and service office. For a list of
worldwide sales and service locations and contact information, use the Global MTS link at the MTS web site: > Global Presence > Choose a Region

1.2.0 Before You Contact MTS

MTS can help you more efficiently if you have the following information available when you contact us for

Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide 7