MTS Multipurpose Elite Test User Manual

Page 126

background image

properties (continued)

relative end level 2

cycle activity 44

relative end levels 40
resume ramp time

station manager command options 60

resume taper time

station manager command options 59


application command settings 64
external command activity 62


digital IO indicator monitor display 82
external command activity 62

signal list

data acquisition activity 54


application command settings 64
external command activity 62

start ramp times

station manager command options 59

start taper time

station manager command options 59

stop ramp time

station manager command options 59

stop taper time

station manager command options 59

taper times

station manager command options 59

test action

profile activity 79


ramp activity 42

timing type

cycle activity 43
ramp activity 42, 45

total passes

profile activity 78

trigger list

data acquisition activity 53

turn off light

profile activity 79

turn on light

profile activity 79

upper range

ALC profile activity 86

value font size

variable meter monitor display 81


profile activity 79
variable meter monitor display 81

variable list

input parameter activity 51

wave shape

cycle activity 43


relative end levels 40
variable 40


ramp 111
ramp activity 40, 42, 44
Ramp activity 117
ramp and cycle test 38
ramp and cycle test signal scope 54
ramp command activity 42, 44
Ramp Shape property

ramp activity 42, 45

Ramp Time property

external command activity 61

Ramp Times property

station manager command options 59

RDSURF files 113
recovery options 110
Relative End Level 1 property

cycle activity 44

Relative End Level 2 property

cycle activity 44

Relative End Level property

cycle activity 48


generate in Microsoft Excel 28
generate in MP 27

reset detector 98
reset interlocks 25

automatic mapping 33
controller 32
create manually 35
dimension changes 36
manual mapping 33
mapping 30


controller 30
test 30

Resume Ramp Time property

station manager command options 60

Resume Taper Time property

station manager command options 59

Road Surface Output 112
Rules property

input parameter activity 51

Run External Application 120
run test 54
runtime display

custom help 23

runtime displays

signal scope 40

Runtime Latencies 118


segment command 111
Segment command 113
selecting compensators offline 35
selecting compensators when not connected to a station 35
Sequence Counters 109

126 Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide