MTS Multipurpose Elite Test User Manual

Page 122

background image


ALC 84

Compensator property

cycle activity 44
external command activity 61
profile activity 79
ramp activity 42, 45

configuration file 40
Considerations for selecting compensators 35
Control Mode property

cycle activity 44
external command activity 62
ramp activity 42, 45


add new hardware 104

controller resources 30, 32
counter syntax 87
counter syntax example 87
create profile 75, 92
custom help runtime display 23
custom message window activity 23
Custom Waveform+DAQ 114
cycle 111
Cycle Acquisition 114
cycle activity

add to parallel path 52

cycle command activity 43
Cyclic command 111, 113


data acquisition

data acquisition 40

data acquisition activity

add to parallel path 52
data acquisition 53

data acquisition processes 113
Data Display 120
data limit detector 116
Data Sample Rate 115
de-energize station 25
Default Value new variable property

cycle activity 50

defining detector limits 98
defining station actions 98
Description new variable property

cycle activity 50


reset 98

detector settings 98
Digit Type new variable property

cycle activity 50

digital input detector 116
digital IO indicator 81
digital output 117
Digits new variable property

cycle activity 50

Dimension new variable property

cycle activity 50


changing 36
dynamic 36
fixed 36
normalized 92
working with 91

disable system setpoint 70
disable system span 70
Display Name new variable property

cycle activity 49

Display Name property

cycle activity 43
data acquisition activity 53
external command activity 61
input parameter activity 51
profile activity 78
ramp activity 42, 45

domain specimen selection property 48, 64, 83
Duration property

ramp activity 45

Dwell command 112, 113
dynamic dimensions 36


edit a variable 23
Enable Frequency Compensation property

ALC profile activity 85

Enable Ramp property

external command activity 61

Enable Soft Stop property

external command activity 61

enable system setpoint 70
enable system span 70
end level 1

input parameters activity 54

end level 2

input parameters activity 54

energize station 25
error indicator 20
Event Action editor 76
event detectors 116
external command

activity 55, 61
calculated input 55
change setpoint 67
change span 67
input simulation 58
setpoint 60
signal scope traces 64
sine wave calculation 58
span 60
starting activity 69
stopping activity 69

External command 112
external command properties

setpoint 55
span 55

122 Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide