MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual

Page 89

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MPE Activity or

MPT Process or

acquired data, routing results to runtime displays and reports, and
in-test decision-making.

MPE supports the following actions, and MPT does not support

Array variables

Putting acquired data into variables

Activities that can make decisions based on variables

The calculation engines are very different (see next item,

MPT has a multi-statement calculation engine. This allows very
complicated logic to be programmed.

Calculations /
Python functions


MPE has the following calculation engines:

Calculated variables and activities that support expressions
use a high-level, single-line expression syntax.

The Python function editor allows complex, multi-line function
creation. The high-level calculations can call the user-created
Python functions.

MPT implements an on-demand calculation algorithm (calculations
are re-evaluated when necessary after their dependent variables

In MPE, calculated variables are never recalculated automatically
(specimen variables are an exception). It is the test designer's
responsibility to specify when variables are calculated. This is done
by adding Calculate Variable activities into the workflow or
specifying the variables in Data Acquisition activities.

The MPT calculation engine can access the values of calculation
parameters and calculation variables (as defined in the Station
Manager application). This action is not supported in MPE.

MPT and MPE take different approaches to runtime status displays.

Runtime Display
Control Panel

Station Manager
displays Control

MPT presents most of the status information on the MPT Control
Panel. This is the main interface for the operator running the test.
The test designer has some ability to configure the contents of this
status panel (using the Options Editor). In addition, MPT relies on
the Station Manager application for meters and scopes since the
MPT Control Panel is embedded in the Station Manager main

MPE contains some predefined status on its control panel, but
relies much more on the test designer building up a runtime display
using a flexible set of GUI controls. This is a little more complicated
for the test designer to do, but has a lot more flexibility. Also, MPE
attempts to replace the Station Manager meters and scopes.

Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide 89

8.0 Appendix A: MPE for MPT Users